
Free Pharmacovigilance Training Course is Now Ready

19 September 2014, 16:55P.M
Pharmacovigilance News Image

Pharma Lessons has launched Good Pharmacovigilance Practice training course. The new course is completely free and covers the new legislation for pharmacovigilance of medicinal products for human use which applies in the European Union (EU) since July 2012. The materials are again freely accessible through the website’s main navigational menu. Alternatively trainees can start the course from the GVP main page:

Each, of the currently available 8 GVP chapters, is a summary of the official guidelines. The training is in the form of short interactive presentations that are easy to follow and understand. It can serve as a complete learning tool or as a refreshing course. No registration, commitment or additional software is required to access the chapters, however the website does not support Internet Explorer 8 or older and users are advised to either update or change their browser in order to fully enjoy the training materials. Currently the company does not offer official certification with the course.

Pharma Lessons continues its mission to create and provide free pharma courses. The company hopes to expand its portfolio further by the end of 2014 and to provide its users with more free resources. All visitors are encouraged to send their feedback or suggestions to Pharma Lessons email: